Wednesday, February 8, 2023

I Have to Make a Film Intro?

So I had heard about this portfolio project for a while... Since the first day actually. I had yet to get much information on what exactly I was going to do for my portfolio project. When I discovered that I had to make a film opening, only one thing came to mind.

What in the world am I going to do?

I could of course search the internet for inspiration and ideas or maybe even seek inspiration from the opening shown in class. However, I wanted something based on what I love specifically. My biggest passion and what I have loved creating for as long as I can remember: GAME DESIGN! I need to make a film opening relating to game design! Now my question is: How am I going to accomplish this?

One very important part of this process that I knew I would have to figure out in order to successfully make a great film opening is to understand what the story of my supposed film is. How am I supposed to start off a story I don't even know? So that is what I begin today. The process of the story that I will be opening up in my film opening. As I think about this, a few ideas come to mind. I could create a story about a video game designer trying to make their dream game. This is a situation I could actually relate to as I understand the stress and work that goes into trying to produce a project you care about alone. I could also go a completely different route and maybe even make a film opening for a game I am actually working on. This would also be drawing from my own experience because I created the stories within my games and understand how they begin. After further consideration (and inspirations which I will discuss in later blog posts), however, I have decided that my film would be based around a solo indie game developer who is trying to make it big in the game design world. I believe I can make this really great considering I know a lot about the indie game community and the process of creating games.

Now in terms of the actual preparation and production of my film opening, here are a few things that come to mind. First I wanna be 100% set on what genre I want to make this opening. I'm thinking of an action/comedy but I think I will need to do more research before I make my decision. Some more topics I need to research and make decisions on before I start recording are the storyline, target audience, title and title design, aesthetic, color scheme, set, costumes, characters, and so much more. I'll most likely create some mood boards and playlists to get the feel of the opening and film as a whole. I'm really excited to get started and share my developments!

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Film Opening

 GLITCH (2023) I am now incredibly proud to present to you the finalized version of my film opening... GLITCH Created by Ivette Barger Hope ...