Saturday, January 28, 2023

Music Marketing Process

    The music marketing brainstorming and research process was a very extensive yet creative process that I personally found to be lots of fun. My group began by brainstorming ideas for companies to research, artists, and also ideas for the music video based on the feeling and vibes that we all got from the song. We then split up the tasks to be able to get this done efficiently with me being in charge of the storyboard! I started by creating a time-blocked outline of the music video which was story-based and then began on the 20-slide storyboard. It was a very tedious process as the song is fairly short, so I had to split up multiple scenes into a lot of slides in order to reach the minimum slide count. My group would periodically check in on each other's work and responsibilities in order to make sure everyone was doing what they needed to do in a timely manner. 

    The next step in the process is to record the music video and edit it in order to submit it. This will be done in and out of school in order to make use of the time given in class. There weren't too many challenges during the process except one of our group members was traveling, but we kept her in the loop and she did all the work she was responsible for. The research chart was fairly difficult as my group had some disagreements on what bands and labels to cover because some wanted to stay more true to the genre we were in charge of while others just wanted to find groups that were easier to research, even if they slightly derived in a different direction. Our genre was punk while there have been many punk bands and artists throughout time, finding some with music within the last 5 years proved to be a difficult task.

    Other than that most of the work was done within class time unless it would take longer such as the storyboard which was also worked on at home. All aspects of the project so far have come out very well and the presentation has been a very collaborative part with everyone in the group contributing. The brand was also a lot of fun to make as we tried to fit in very well with the punk scene making our name "NRV" and making sure to use lots of black and purple within the branding itself. We tried to make the band feel very homemade, almost like a band you'd see practicing in a garage since that fits very well with a punk scene. Overall the band's message is about not conforming to society and the status quo as that message fits with the song "9th at Pine" which speaks on the incivility of humanity.

The image shows the outline of the music video.

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