Saturday, March 4, 2023

Aaannndd... TITLE CARD!

    One of if not the most crucial parts of my film opening are its title card. The title card is where I will properly introduce the film as a whole and is one of the most important parts of exposing my audience to the aesthetic and feel of the film as a whole. In this blog post, I wanted to look back at a couple title cards that I really liked when researching and hopefully make a few decisions about my own title card afterward.

    As I stated previously in another blog post, my film opening is going to be very reminiscent of retro video games. The first title card I wanted to look at was the title card for Scott Pilgrim vs the World. I have also made a blog post about this movie and aspects from it that I would like to incorporate in my own film opening.

Scott Pilgrim v.s. the World

    So while this film is very reminiscent of what I am looking for, the title card is not. The title card appears while Scott Pilgrim's band is played and therefore has a more rock look than a video game look. The font used in "vs. THE WORLD" could be said to be inspired by old arcade machine title cards but I believe this might be a stretch. Overall, I would like to look for something more modern and stylistic but I do appreciate how contemporary this title card is.

Ready Player One

    The title card for Ready Player One perfectly resembles the feel and aesthetic of the movie, being very modern and contemporary. While this is a great example of how a title card can encapsulate a film, for my specific film opening it is a little too modern looking. This is understandable considering the movie itself is set in the future, but I can draw inspiration from how it is more like a title card for a movie including video games and technology.

Coffee Talk

    For this last title card, I actually wanted to use a video game's title card. The game Coffee Talk is a pixel game about listening to people's life stories while making them coffee in the city of Seattle, Washington. I love the pixelated title card and the way the designers were able to include the coffee cup in the title! I drew a lot of inspiration from this title card in my own ideas for my film opening.

    Overall the research I did was incredibly helpful and I look forward to sharing my first sketches and designs for my title card!

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Film Opening

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